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La Migra ir spāņu vārds imigrācijas. Kad Mari lieto šos vārdus, viņa nozīmē "imigrācijas amatpersonas" vai ICE: US Imigration and Customs Enforcement. ICE ir federāla tiesībaizsardzības aģentūra Iekšzemes drošības departamentā, kas dibināta 2003. gadā. ICE meklē imigrantus, kuri nelegāli ieceļojuši Amerikas Savienotajās Valstīs, un izraida viņus atpakaļ uz viņu izcelsmes valsti.
La Golondrina is Spanish for swallow, a type of bird. It is also the name of a famous Mexican song that Mari and her family enjoy. The swallow migrates from Mexico to the United States and back every year. The song talks about longing for one's home like the swallow or golondrina flying across North America.
Estrella is the Spanish word for stars. Tyler introduces Mari to astronomy and their friendship forms over a love of stargazing. Mari suggests that Tyler name the farm stars and swallows: Estrella & Golondrina Farm. Even though Mexico and Vermont are far apart, they are both under the same stars.