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the weeping woman

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the weeping woman
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Описание Раскадровки

La llorona was an indigenous woman who would marry a Spaniard, but he left her abandoned to marry another, the woman in a fit of despair goes to the nearest river and drowns her children, when she realizes what she did she drowns .

Текст Раскадровки

  • of course my dear
  • oh dear, do you want to marry me?
  • where is my fiance? Din't he have enough love for our children?
  • i'm sorry ma'am, your fiance left said he couldn't marry an indigenous woman.
  • i don't love myself, i never love myself. 
  • what have i done? my children, my children i am so sorry.
  • there are my children , where are my children?
  • RUN!!
  • you where are my children?
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