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Reformation Religion

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Reformation Religion
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  • Holy Lord God of hosts, Heaven and earth are full of your glory
  • The Catholic Church should not have authority over us
  • God is the only one who has the power to forgive our sins
  • Martin Luther was born in Eisleben Germany and spent most of his childhood growing up there. He was an educated scholar, and overall a very spiritual person, who wanted to become a lawyer.
  • This should be good
  • The church is taking authority over us
  • 95 Thesis
  • Martin Luther lived from 1483 to 1546. He was a German professor in theology, a priest, an author, a composer, Augustinian monk, and a seminal figure in the Reformation.
  • How dare you go against the Catholic Church
  • 'I can not and will not reclaim anything i said'
  • Martin Luther came to believe the Catholic Church should not hold such authority over peoples ever day lives. Martins movement and messages spread through all of Europe and became quite popular and so began the protestant reformation.
  • We are losing power of the Catholic Church!!
  • On October 31st, Martin Luther nailed what today is know as the '95 Thesis' to the door of Wittenberg's Church. This addressed Martin's beliefs that selling Indulgences to the public as wrong.
  • When Martin faced members of the Catholic church, he was given a choice of revoking his claims or risk excommunication and possibly Heresy. Although he faced the option of death, Martin stood by his claims and risked his life so his voice could be heard.
  • The Catholic Church began to lose power and control amongst the community. Nobles and rulers gained status, while peasants tried to use the reformation as a time to gain freedom and status but failed. Martin Luther was a reformer until his death on the 18th of February 1546, in his hometown.
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