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PBL vs. Traditional

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PBL vs. Traditional
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Эту раскадровку можно найти в следующих статьях и ресурсах:
Учебная Деятельность на Основе Проектов

Проектное Обучение

Лорен Аюбе

Проектное обучение — это метод обучения, при котором учащиеся учатся, участвуя в реальных и лично важных и значимых проектах. Узнайте больше о том, как интегрировать PBL в свой класс!


Ознакомьтесь с некоторыми другими нашими обучающими статьями!

Описание Раскадровки

Project Based Learning goes beyond the traditional end of unit project. Learn the differences!

Текст Раскадровки

  • Project Based Learning
  • A Traditional Project
  • Think of PBL as the entire meal that includes a drink, an appetizer, a salad, a main course, and dessert!
  • ProjectBasedLearning!
  • You get to decide what to do!
  • Think of a traditional project as a dessert that's given at the end of a meal!
  • Poster Assignment
  • Did everyone get a copy of the directions?
  • PBL is student driven, with teacher guidance along the way.
  • Traditional projects are assigned by the teacher, and the students follow the directions.
  • What should we do our Southwest project on?
  • PBL has real world connection and application.
  • The Overpopulation of Dogs and Cats in America: What You Can Do To HelpBy: Riley G.
  • Traditional projects remain within the classroom and are directly related to a specifically taught unit.
  • Dog and Cat Over Population
  • Project presentations today!
  • Great poster, Riley!
  • The results of PBL are shared beyond the classroom and school to a public audience.
  • Traditional projects are shared and displayed in the classroom or school setting only.
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