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Glory Be Themes

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Glory Be Themes
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Описание Раскадровки

Illustrate examples of themes in Glory Be by Augusta Scattergood.

Текст Раскадровки

  • I am very proud of you, Glory. You remind me of your mother so much.
  • Frankie, promise you won't tell a soul that Robbie went to jail.
  • FEAR
  • Most folks just scared of losing something that they are used to. And I don't mean the pool.
  • Glory shows courage when she writes a letter to the Hanging Moss Tribune.
  • Glory and Frankie's friendship is tested many times throughout the story, but they both know how important it is.
  • Hanging Moss is divided by the fear that some people have about what will happen when segregation ends.
  • Glory Be Themes
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