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The Frog Prince Vocabulary and Definitions Spider Map

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(n.) A woman's or child's hat that sometimes ties under the chin and frames the face.

(n.) An arrangement of straps for fastening something to a person's or animal's body.

(adj.) Greatly surprised or impressed; amazed.

The Frog Prince Vocabulary


The Frog Prince Vocabulary and Definitions Spider Map
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Have students illustrate new vocabulary from The Frog Prince to help them better understand the story!

Текст Раскадровки

  • Amazing!!
  • (adj.) Greatly surprised or impressed; amazed.
  • (n.) A woman's or child's hat that sometimes ties under the chin and frames the face.
  • (n.) An arrangement of straps for fastening something to a person's or animal's body.
  • The Frog Prince Vocabulary
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