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Asking to Play Social Stories

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Sometimes my friends are playing a game and I want to join.

I know that I shouldn't just go and start playing.

Instead, I can go over to them and ask if I can play too. I need to wait for an answer.

If they say yes, I will join. If they say no, that's okay. I can say, "No worries, maybe next time".

Looks like fun.

Hey guys, can I join the game?

Totally! Let's play some ball!

Asking to Play Social Stories
Storyboard That

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Описание Раскадровки

Ask to play! Create social story templates to help children navigate social situations, such as asking to play with friends.

Текст Раскадровки

  • Looks like fun.
  • Hey guys, can I join the game?
  • Totally! Let's play some ball!
  • Sometimes my friends are playing a game and I want to join.
  • I know that I shouldn't just go and start playing.
  • Instead, I can go over to them and ask if I can play too. I need to wait for an answer.
  • If they say yes, I will join. If they say no, that's okay. I can say, "No worries, maybe next time".
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