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TWIST-ing If I Forget Thee, Oh Earth...

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TWIST-ing If I Forget Thee, Oh Earth...
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Literary elements for Post Apocalyptic Books - If I Forget Thee, Oh Earth analysis

Текст Раскадровки

  • T - TONE
  • S - STYLE
  • T - THEME
  • It's not fair!
  • Marvin is in despair. He knows that Earth holds many wonders that he should have been able to experience, but he will never be able to.
  • abyss, wonders, hues, unhurried, anguish, exile
  • “... the hues of sunset skies, the moaning of the sea on pebbled shores, the patter of falling rain, the unhurried benison of snow.”
  • The author uses a very descriptive narrative of the beauty of Earth that Marvin will only ever know from afar: it is a shining crescent with many wonders. The fact that Marvin will never see any of it in person fills him with anguish.
  • This passage highlights the unfairness for Marvin that is a direct result of humanity’s own failure. What should have been his rightful heritage will never be something he can have because of the carelessness with which nuclear weapons were used.

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