Let's all work together for our own thing-- all farm our own lan'!
The locals feel threatened by the wave of migrants coming into their communities. When the Joads leave Hooverville, they are confronted by an angry crowd of men who swarm the truck. The Joads are forced to turn around, saying, “We ain't gonna have no goddamn Okies in this town.”
Tommy doesn’t feel like he fits in. His family has been uprooted, and is in a part of the country with no work or opportunities. He wishes he could do more to help his family. Tommy finds his calling after Casey’s death, but it takes a lot of internal struggling to arrive at this conclusion.
Tommy stands up for migrant workers, even in the face of the wealthy farmers taking advantage of them. The communities try to control this influx of migrant workers by calling those who demand fair wages “communists”. In reality, they are calling attention to the criminal practices of wealthy farmers, and fighting for a wage that will support their families.
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