
A Raisin in the Sun Literary Conflict Storyboard

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Create your own at Storyboard ThatMANvsMANMANvsSELFMANvsSOCIETYBeneathaisvehementlyagainstacknowledginghermother’sfaith,anddeniesGod’sexistence.Thisgoesagainsthermother’sverystrictChristianbeliefs,andMamastrikesherdaughterintheface.Walterfeelslikenooneunderstandshimorhisdream,andhefeelsstuck.Hewondersifthereisanythingtolookforwardtoinhisfuture,andhefeelslikeafailuretohisfamily.TheYoungerfamilyissegregatedbecauseoftheirrace,andtheymakeaboldmovetobuyahouseinanall-whiteneighborhood.KarlLindner,asarepresentativeoftheClybourneParkAssociation,triestoconvincetheYoungerstofindahouseinanotherneighborhood.
A Raisin in the Sun Literary Conflict Storyboard
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Описание Раскадровки

A Raisin in the Sun Literary Conflict example graphic organizers

Текст Раскадровки

  • MAN vs MAN
  • MAN vs SELF
  • Beneatha is vehemently against acknowledging her mother’s faith, and denies God’s existence. This goes against her mother’s very strict Christian beliefs, and Mama strikes her daughter in the face.
  • Walter feels like no one understands him or his dream, and he feels stuck. He wonders if there is anything to look forward to in his future, and he feels like a failure to his family.
  • The Younger family is segregated because of their race, and they make a bold move to buy a house in an all-white neighborhood. Karl Lindner, as a representative of the Clybourne Park Association, tries to convince the Youngers to find a house in another neighborhood.
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