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Character vs Character

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Create your own at Storyboard That CHARACTER vs. CHARACTERCharacter vs. Character is an external conflict in which two or more characters are pitted against one another in a battle, either literally or figuratively. The outcome can bring about maturity and growth, or a restoration of peace in the protagonist’s world. William crouched behind the tree and watched as the swamp monster looked around for him. The monster called his name in a taunting manner, laughing as a shiver shot up William's spine. The monster knew where he was. It was time to run. Oh, William!
Character vs Character
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Описание Раскадровки

Character vs Character Literary Conflict Example || Character vs. Character is an external conflict in which two or more characters are pitted against one another in a battle, either literally or figuratively. The outcome can bring about maturity and growth, or a restoration of peace in the protagonist’s world.

Текст Раскадровки

  • CHARACTER vs. CHARACTER Character vs. Character is an external conflict in which two or more characters are pitted against one another in a battle, either literally or figuratively. The outcome can bring about maturity and growth, or a restoration of peace in the protagonist’s world.
  • William crouched behind the tree and watched as the swamp monster looked around for him. The monster called his name in a taunting manner, laughing as a shiver shot up William's spine. The monster knew where he was. It was time to run.
  • Oh, William!
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