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The Outsiders Wanted Poster

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 14 years old, brown hair, lives on the East Side, poor, the youngest of three brothers. Loves to read.

Ponyboy Curtis


-Ponyboy already has a deep understanding of inter-class struggles through his relationship with the Socs, a rival gang.

-Ponyboy is navigating an important part of his life (early teenage years) without parents but wtih the support of brothers and the Greasers. He finds safety and family in the gang.

-By the end of the novel, Ponyboy has realized just how unfair the gang warfare is at such a young age, and grows to understand that perhaps the Socs aren't all that different than the Greasers (aside from wealth).

The Outsiders Wanted Poster
Storyboard That

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Описание Раскадровки

Students will love using wanted posters to analyze characters in The Outsiders!

Текст Раскадровки

  • Ponyboy Curtis
  • 14 years old, brown hair, lives on the East Side, poor, the youngest of three brothers. Loves to read.
  • Greaser
  • -By the end of the novel, Ponyboy has realized just how unfair the gang warfare is at such a young age, and grows to understand that perhaps the Socs aren't all that different than the Greasers (aside from wealth).
  • -Ponyboy already has a deep understanding of inter-class struggles through his relationship with the Socs, a rival gang. -Ponyboy is navigating an important part of his life (early teenage years) without parents but wtih the support of brothers and the Greasers. He finds safety and family in the gang.
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