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Freud Oedipus Complex

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Create your own at Storyboard That Freud's Oedpius ComplexSTAGE 1The boy develops a sexual love for his mother.STAGE 2The boy develops a fear that his father will castrate him if he finds out about the boy's attraction towards the mother (castration anxiety).STAGE 3The boy 'identifies with the aggressor' by adopting his father's attitudes, mannerisms, and actions.STAGE 4After identifying with the father, the boy then turns his sexual feelings towards other women.  
Create your own at Storyboard That Freud's Oedpius ComplexSTAGE 1The boy develops a sexual love for his mother.STAGE 2The boy develops a fear that his father will castrate him if he finds out about the boy's attraction towards the mother (castration anxiety).STAGE 3The boy 'identifies with the aggressor' by adopting his father's attitudes, mannerisms, and actions.STAGE 4After identifying with the father, the boy then turns his sexual feelings towards other women.  
Create your own at Storyboard That Freud's Oedpius ComplexSTAGE 1The boy develops a sexual love for his mother.STAGE 2The boy develops a fear that his father will castrate him if he finds out about the boy's attraction towards the mother (castration anxiety).STAGE 3The boy 'identifies with the aggressor' by adopting his father's attitudes, mannerisms, and actions.STAGE 4After identifying with the father, the boy then turns his sexual feelings towards other women.  
Create your own at Storyboard That Freud's Oedpius ComplexSTAGE 1The boy develops a sexual love for his mother.STAGE 2The boy develops a fear that his father will castrate him if he finds out about the boy's attraction towards the mother (castration anxiety).STAGE 3The boy 'identifies with the aggressor' by adopting his father's attitudes, mannerisms, and actions.STAGE 4After identifying with the father, the boy then turns his sexual feelings towards other women.  
Create your own at Storyboard That Freud's Oedpius ComplexSTAGE 1The boy develops a sexual love for his mother.STAGE 2The boy develops a fear that his father will castrate him if he finds out about the boy's attraction towards the mother (castration anxiety).STAGE 3The boy 'identifies with the aggressor' by adopting his father's attitudes, mannerisms, and actions.STAGE 4After identifying with the father, the boy then turns his sexual feelings towards other women.  
Create your own at Storyboard That Freud's Oedpius ComplexSTAGE 1The boy develops a sexual love for his mother.STAGE 2The boy develops a fear that his father will castrate him if he finds out about the boy's attraction towards the mother (castration anxiety).STAGE 3The boy 'identifies with the aggressor' by adopting his father's attitudes, mannerisms, and actions.STAGE 4After identifying with the father, the boy then turns his sexual feelings towards other women.  
Create your own at Storyboard That Freud's Oedpius ComplexSTAGE 1The boy develops a sexual love for his mother.STAGE 2The boy develops a fear that his father will castrate him if he finds out about the boy's attraction towards the mother (castration anxiety).STAGE 3The boy 'identifies with the aggressor' by adopting his father's attitudes, mannerisms, and actions.STAGE 4After identifying with the father, the boy then turns his sexual feelings towards other women.  
Create your own at Storyboard That Freud's Oedpius ComplexSTAGE 1The boy develops a sexual love for his mother.STAGE 2The boy develops a fear that his father will castrate him if he finds out about the boy's attraction towards the mother (castration anxiety).STAGE 3The boy 'identifies with the aggressor' by adopting his father's attitudes, mannerisms, and actions.STAGE 4After identifying with the father, the boy then turns his sexual feelings towards other women.  
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Freud Oedipus Complex

Текст Раскадровки

  • Freud's Oedpius Complex
  • STAGE 1 The boy develops a sexual love for his mother.
  • STAGE 2 The boy develops a fear that his father will castrate him if he finds out about the boy's attraction towards the mother (castration anxiety).
  • STAGE 3 The boy 'identifies with the aggressor' by adopting his father's attitudes, mannerisms, and actions.
  • STAGE 4 After identifying with the father, the boy then turns his sexual feelings towards other women.
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