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Lyme disease

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Lyme disease
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  • hi my name is khalifa and I am a medical consultant and how can i help you today
  • I went to the park and something bit me now I have a headache and my stomach hearts, I think it was a tick
  • yes
  • most tick don't carry a diseases with them, by any chance did you see a black orb looking thing on its back
  • no and what should i put on it and i took the tick out
  • did you put anything on the red spot
  • yes i have it with me
  • you should put rubbing alcohol or soap and put it on the red spot, and did you put the tick in a bag or did you throw it
  • one more question how do i prevent it
  • you can prevent it by wearing long socks or pans when going to a grassy area and when you are going to touch your dog wear long sleeves so it does not bite you 
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