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Ethnic Identity Development

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Ethnic Identity Development
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  • Mija, you are Mexican.I know abuelita
  • Rosa grew up in a Mexican householdEthnic Identity Development theory:cultural norms relative to messages received from one's family
  • I will go shopping and change my look. I will look more "Chicana"
  • Her Friend Jane told her to join the Chicana Club. Rosa started questioning her AbuelitaPerformances: Her friends acts "Chicana"
  • You are not a proud Chicana?
  • Wow, you got me thinking now...
  • Hmm how would my Abuelita or my parents react? It wouldn't be a bad thing right? I'll just go to the club see how it goes. No harm.
  • instrumentalists, theory on acculturation: specific ethnic groups change according to the group's needs over time
  • I would switch up the way you dress so you can fit in the Chicana Club! You want to belong right?
  • Why are you wearing that? Chicanas don't dress like that!
  • Rosa felt left out, she wanted to fit inSocial Identity Theory: Belonging, groupness
  • Oh no! I don't fit in!
  • Rosa dyed her hair, and changed up her look.Bi-dimensional model theory: own's culture is distinct from dominant culture.
  • Mija what happened to your hair and your clothes?
  • I am Chicana Abuleita! This is how WE dress.
  • No, Abuelita I identify as Chicana now!
  • Rosa has accepted her ethnic identity as Chicana Unexamined Identity theory: Moratorium stage she is proud to be a Chicana
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