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There, They're, Their - Homophone Examples

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I just sat THERE looking at her costume. Then I decided I want to do something special this Halloween.

THEY'RE going as many different things for the Halloween Party.

THEIR costumes were cool, but I wanted to go with something more... authentic. This is what I came up with!

There, They're, Their -  Homophone Examples
Storyboard That

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Homophone examples: There, They're, Their. Teach the difference between common homophones with comics!

Текст Раскадровки

  • I just sat THERE looking at her costume. Then I decided I want to do something special this Halloween.
  • THEY'RE going as many different things for the Halloween Party.
  • THEIR costumes were cool, but I wanted to go with something more... authentic. This is what I came up with!
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