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Текст Раскадровки

  • Why are they coming to the Colonies?
  • The Trip to the colonies
  • In the Colonies
  • When Dan was playing outside one day, two people came up to him and kidnapped him. These people were colonists who wanted Dan to be a slave over in the colonies. Dan didn't have a choice weather to stay or go.
  • The people who took Dan had him for two months before he got to the boat that would take him to the colonies. When he got on the boat he was forced under the deck. The conditions were terrible. People had nowhere to go to the bathroom so they had to on the floor. There was no room for sitting you had to stand and the air was so thick it was almost like you could choke. He was on the boat for 7 weeks before getting to the colonies.
  • When Dan got there he was sold to someone for an amount he didn't know. Dan would work everyday almost all day for this man at his house. He would gather wheat, hoe the land, and even sometimes serve the family but it was not good work. Dan worked there for the rest of his life. He eventually had a baby with another slave there and all of them were forced to work until they died.
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