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The Mouse and the Motorcycle Compare & Contrast

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Create your own at Storyboard That The Mouse and the Motorcycle takes place at The Mountain View Inn and in the mouse hole under the knothole in room 215 Ralph S. Mouse also takes place at The Mountain View Inn. The story also takes place at the school of Ralph's friend, Ryan. "The Mouse and the Motorcycle" Setting "Ralph S. Mouse" Setting
The Mouse and the Motorcycle Compare & Contrast
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The Mouse and the Motorcycle Compare & Contrast Settings

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  • "The Mouse and the Motorcycle" Setting
  • "Ralph S. Mouse" Setting
  • The Mouse and the Motorcycle takes place at The Mountain View Inn and in the mouse hole under the knothole in room 215
  • Ralph S. Mouse also takes place at The Mountain View Inn. The story also takes place at the school of Ralph's friend, Ryan.
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