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Le Croisement: Preuves Textuelles

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Le Croisement: Preuves Textuelles
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Demandez aux élèves de répondre à une question sur The Crossover en utilisant les preuves du texte

Текст Раскадровки

  • Boys with no discipline end up in prison.
  • Josh idolizes his father. One example is when his dad dies, Josh says, "my father was the light of my world, and now that he is gone, each night is starless."
  • Josh's mother is very strict, but very caring, and Josh respects her a great deal. One example of this is when Josh hits JB in the face with a ball, his mother is very stern and real with her son. However, she does it out of love and wanting to protect her children.
  • What is Josh's relationship with his parents like?
  • Josh and his family all share the same strong value of family. One example of this is his father's basketball rule #1: "In this game of life, your family is the court and the ball is your heart. Now matter how good you are, no matter how down you get, always leave your heart on the court."
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