Modèle de composition longue ou d'essai de 5 paragraphes qui comprend des sections pour une introduction et une thèse ainsi que des paragraphes de soutien avec des preuves et un soutien. Thème étoile.
Текст Раскадровки
Thesis Statement
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Enter Text Here
Enter Text Here
Directions: Enter Text Here
Name: Date: Topic:
Evidence #2:
Evidence #3:
Evidence #1:
Enter Text Here
Analysis of Evidence's Relation to Prompt: Enter Text Here
Analysis of Evidence's Relation to Prompt: Enter Text Here
Analysis of Evidence's Relation to Prompt: Enter Text Here
Analysis of Evidence's Relation to Prompt: Enter Text Here
Analysis of Evidence's Relation to Prompt: Enter Text Here
Analysis of Evidence's Relation to Prompt: Enter Text Here
Analysis of Evidence's Relation to Prompt: Enter Text Here
Analysis of Evidence's Relation to Prompt: Enter Text Here
Analysis of Evidence's Relation to Prompt: Enter Text Here
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