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Kriittisen Analyysin Maisema BW 1

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Kriittisen Analyysin Maisema BW 1
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Описание Раскадровки

Kriittisen analyysin mustavalkoinen maisema. Urheilu teema.

Текст Раскадровки

  • Directions: Enter Text Here
  • INTRODUCTION: 3-4 general statements about the topic's relation to the prompt:Thesis Statement (includes GTA (Genre, Title, Author):
  • 3rd Paragraph: 2nd example and analysisEXAMPLE: 1) 2)3)
  • CONCLUSION: Rephrase original Thesis Statement with GTA (Genre, Title, Author):3-4 specific statements of summary of key points / insight about key points made in paperClinching Statement:
  • Title/Enter Text Here
  • 2nd Paragraph: 1st example analysisEXAMPLE: 1) 2)3)
  • 4th Paragraph: 3rd example and analysisEXAMPLE: 1) 2)3)
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