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Career Choices

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Career Choices
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  • Hello, this is going to be a story about linguistic Discrimination in college facilities.
  • Where is my paper? i need to get to Class.
  • Good Morning Brigette, How are you doing?
  • same but see you Around.BR: See you.
  • I am well by God's Grace. classes are just stressful
  • i completly agree with you stephany. no misspelling no double space, complet sentence. Good job.
  • Hi Nicolas, your paper was well written next time double check for double space.
  • Your paper is very good Micheal your spelling, everything good job
  • Thank you guys.
  • Thank You very much guys.
  • Jonas , your paper is ok but there are some mistakes in there. a couple of misspealling and some incomplet sentences
  • We really like your paper Bella as a immigrant who have been here for just 3 years you did a excellent job on your paper.
  • Sir, this is not kind of you, think about it t try really hard on this paper you cannot do this to me.
  • He Fail me Guys he say my paper was not well written.
  • what is this, you have been in this country for some time now you should be able to form a complet sentence, You do not know how to speak nor write english. Please reewrite your paper.
  • Let's Go
  • Class is Dismiss
  • I don't deserve this; I try my best but still fail.
  • The End Hope you enjoy it.
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