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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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Текст Раскадровки

  • Where am I? Oh there I can see a men. I need to know them. Sir! Yuhoo!
  • What's your names? and who are you?
  • I am Empedocles a philosopher, poet, physicist and physician. Beside me is Aristotle, he is a teacher, writer, polymath, tutor, astronomer, biologist, geographer, cosmologist, epistemologist, literary critic and lastly political philosopher.
  • We believe that livingorganisms undergo changesthrough time and that's what we contribute to the evolution.
  • I know in the future you two will be known by most of the people because of your contribution
  • Oww we hope so! Nice to meet you.
  • There is Georges, Erasmus and Jean we all contribute to evolution
  • I believe that specific organs of related animals have structural variation. The changes in organisms is bought about by action of the environment and also there is special creation of species like apes to human so change is degenerate
  • We have visitor and she wants to know us. I and Aristotle already introduce ourselves.
  • Oww if that so! I'm Georges Louis Buffon a naturalist, biologist, mathematician, science writer and astronomer
  • I'm Jean Baptiste Lamarck a naturalist, plant biologist, paleontologist, meteorologist, chemist, university teacher and science writer. My theory is that you need to have driving force to develop new organs, disuse leads to degeneration of organs and lastly species could not become extinct
  • My name is Erasmus Darwin a naturalist, physician, poet, philosopher, plant biologist and entomologist. I believe that all organisms share a common ancestor
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