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Creteceous world

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Creteceous world
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  • Good morning Mr. Thompson! I have been reading about the Cretaceious period for my geologic project. I was wondering if we could have a fun discussion about that period?
  • Hi Jared! Sure! What do you wnat to talk about?
  • I was wondering if there were giant, gentle air whales that floated above the Earth's surface, feeding on clouds and basking in the Sun? How would the break up Pangaea affect them?
  • Sure!
  • What a fascinating idea! I believe thats relates to the geological events part right? Let me get thtough this with you
  • As Pangea broke apart, new oceans formed, which likely altered the distribution and formation of clouds. The air whales might have had to adapt to new feeding patterns and migratory routes as the continnets separated. The warm, green house climate during the Cretacous period might have contributed to the growth of more abundant and diverse cloud formation proviing a rich food source for this magnificent creatures!
  • Mr. Thompson, while we are on the topic of creative exploration of the cretaceous period, I was wondering if we could discuss how the magical creatures we talked about eralier might have gone extinct or adapted to the changing environement during the mass extinction event at the end of Cretaceous
  • No Problem! Let me show you a magic
  • Welcome to Cretaceous Period!
  • Let me introduce to you, these are the dominance Organisms in that period, the dinosaurs.
  • Yes, they lived origniated around 230 millions years ago during the Late Triassic period and become the dominant terrestrial animals for about 165 million years until their mass extinction at the end of Cretaceous period.
  • How was the climate like at that time?
  • They look really huge!
  • It has to start with the broke apart of the Pangaea. After they break apart, it altered ocean current and global climate patterns, which lead to a general wamer climate.
  • Additionally, the formation of shallow seas as a result of high sea levels created new marine habitats and likely contributed to increase evaporation, leading to higher humidity levels and more tropical climate in many regions
  • That make sense! So, how did the warm climate of the Cretaceous period impact life on Earth?
  • The warm climate of the Cretaceous period allowed for the diversification and expalnsion of life on Earth. For example, dinosuars, such as the T.rex! I brough it here take a look Jared!
  • Alright! Let's go diving!
  • Oh my god! It looks scary! But What about the oragnaisms live in the ocean?
  • In the oceans, large marine retiles like the Mosassaurus and the long-necked Plesiosaurus were common. But seems like we are unlucky today....
  • Don't worry, we might see them next time! Let's get back to the ground
  • Oh no! I wish I can see them!
  • Woo, that was a good diving by the way. Well, let's continue exploring, this was a time when the first flowering plants evolved, which in turn affected the types of insects and other pollinators that evolved alongside them. the warmer climate also led to the explansion of tropical and subtropical forests, providing new habitats for a variety of plan and animal specices.
  • Oh right! Let me note this down, this will be very helpful in my project!
  • But I am wonder what events happened caused the end of the Cretaceous period?
  • That will be a tough question to answer, there are not enough evidence to show and prove. But there is an leading hypothesis for the cause of this mass exinction is the impact of a massive asteroid. Alright lets get on the rocket Jared!
  • I am exciting for exploring!
  • Yes! This massive asteroid is about 10 kilometers in diameter, which struck what is now the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. The asteroid impact released an enormous amout of energy, equivalent to billions of atomic bonds, causing massive wildfires, tsunamis and nuclear winter effect. It caused a dramatic decline in photosynthesis, leading to the collapse of food chanins and the extinction of many plant and animal species.
  • Wow, this asteroid is actually really big!
  • That is ture! If that happened, the period will end and a new one will start all over again!
  • Well thats enough exploration for today! Lets go back to our modern world.
  • Can't imagine if this happen in our current era... Human will no longer exists on Earth!
  • Alright Jared, we had a great trip today. How do you feel
  • I feel fantastic! But Mr Thompson I do have a question after seeing all this historical events. How our current period of climate change may impact life in the future?
  • I am glad that you ask that question! Climate change is an important and compex issue that has far reaching implications for life on Earth.
  • I see! But how about human's health issue? Will it be a big issue in the future due to the climate change?
  • There are several ways in which our current period of climate change may impact life in the future, that human might be running out of food and water, because the change in temperature and precipitation patterns can negatively affect crop yields and water avaliability, leading to increased competition for resources and potential food and water shortages.
  • Yes! Of course! The climate change can exacerbate air pollution, contribute to the spread of vector-borne diseases, such as malaria and dengue fever, and increase of risk of waterborne illnesses doe to flooding and contaminated water resources.
  • It's clear that the consequences of cliamte change are far-reaching and interconnected! What can we do to mitigate these imapcts and build a more sustainable future?
  • There are many actions we can take to address climate change. For example, we can reduce the greehouse gas emissions, protecting and restoring ecosystems, support more reaseach and innovations for our environmnet, and raising awareness and advocating for climate action!
  • Right!
  • Thank you Mr. Thompson for taking me through the Cretaceous period and answered all my concerns!
  • I am glad that you ask that question! Climate change is an important and compex issue that has far reaching implications for life on Earth.
  • Image Attributions:1414819 (https://pixabay.com/vectors/meteorite-meteor-shower-kite-1414819/) - mongames - License: Free for Most Commercial Use / No Attribution Required / See https://pixabay.com/service/license/ for what is not allowed

Image Attributions

  • 1414819 - mongames - (Лицензия Free for Most Commercial Use / No Attribution Required / See https://pixabay.com/service/license/ for what is not allowed )
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