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The Worshiped Hat

You must pay respect to my glorious hat hung in the middle of town if you do not want to face my wrath.

The King, still mad, rows Bob out to sea to be thrown overboard. But a storm cooks up and the King is lost at sea.

For punishment, Bob has to shoot an arrow at an apple on top of his son's head.

I don't really care about that old hat rule!

And they lived happily ever after

Bob did it!

Create your own at Storyboard That

The Worshiped Hat

You must pay respect to my glorious hat hung in the middle of town if you do not want to face my wrath.

The King, still mad, rows Bob out to sea to be thrown overboard. But a storm cooks up and the King is lost at sea.

For punishment, Bob has to shoot an arrow at an apple on top of his son's head.

I don't really care about that old hat rule!

And they lived happily ever after

Bob did it!

Create your own at Storyboard That

The Worshiped Hat

You must pay respect to my glorious hat hung in the middle of town if you do not want to face my wrath.

The King, still mad, rows Bob out to sea to be thrown overboard. But a storm cooks up and the King is lost at sea.

For punishment, Bob has to shoot an arrow at an apple on top of his son's head.

I don't really care about that old hat rule!

And they lived happily ever after

Bob did it!

Create your own at Storyboard That

The Worshiped Hat

You must pay respect to my glorious hat hung in the middle of town if you do not want to face my wrath.

The King, still mad, rows Bob out to sea to be thrown overboard. But a storm cooks up and the King is lost at sea.

For punishment, Bob has to shoot an arrow at an apple on top of his son's head.

I don't really care about that old hat rule!

And they lived happily ever after

Bob did it!

Create your own at Storyboard That

The Worshiped Hat

You must pay respect to my glorious hat hung in the middle of town if you do not want to face my wrath.

The King, still mad, rows Bob out to sea to be thrown overboard. But a storm cooks up and the King is lost at sea.

For punishment, Bob has to shoot an arrow at an apple on top of his son's head.

I don't really care about that old hat rule!

And they lived happily ever after

Bob did it!

Create your own at Storyboard That

The Worshiped Hat

You must pay respect to my glorious hat hung in the middle of town if you do not want to face my wrath.

The King, still mad, rows Bob out to sea to be thrown overboard. But a storm cooks up and the King is lost at sea.

For punishment, Bob has to shoot an arrow at an apple on top of his son's head.

I don't really care about that old hat rule!

And they lived happily ever after

Bob did it!

Create your own at Storyboard That

The Worshiped Hat

You must pay respect to my glorious hat hung in the middle of town if you do not want to face my wrath.

The King, still mad, rows Bob out to sea to be thrown overboard. But a storm cooks up and the King is lost at sea.

For punishment, Bob has to shoot an arrow at an apple on top of his son's head.

I don't really care about that old hat rule!

And they lived happily ever after

Bob did it!

Create your own at Storyboard That

The Worshiped Hat

You must pay respect to my glorious hat hung in the middle of town if you do not want to face my wrath.

The King, still mad, rows Bob out to sea to be thrown overboard. But a storm cooks up and the King is lost at sea.

For punishment, Bob has to shoot an arrow at an apple on top of his son's head.

I don't really care about that old hat rule!

And they lived happily ever after

Bob did it!

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Текст Раскадровки

  • You must pay respect to my glorious hat hung in the middle of town if you do not want to face my wrath.
  • I don't really care about that old hat rule!
  • The Worshiped Hat
  • For punishment, Bob has to shoot an arrow at an apple on top of his son's head.
  • Bob did it!
  • The King, still mad, rows Bob out to sea to be thrown overboard. But a storm cooks up and the King is lost at sea.
  • And they lived happily ever after
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