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Author Attitude in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

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The author shares his view on spoiled and selfish children through Grandpa Joe's comment.

Through the Oompa-loompas' song, the author is sharing his opinion of greedy children.

The author believes in rewarding the good children by giving Charlie the factory.

That ticket'll go to some nasty little beast who doesn't deserve it!

Augustus Gloop! Augustus Gloop!

The great big greedy nincompoop!

So I have to have a child. I want a good sensible loving child, one to whom I can tell all my most precious candy-making secrets - while I'm still alive.

We must go at once and fetch the rest of the family!

Author Attitude in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
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Описание Раскадровки

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Point of View - narrator Author's Opinion and Attitude

Текст Раскадровки

  • The author shares his view on spoiled and selfish children through Grandpa Joe's comment.
  • Through the Oompa-loompas' song, the author is sharing his opinion of greedy children.
  • The author believes in rewarding the "good" children by giving Charlie the factory.
  • We must go at once and fetch the rest of the family!
  • "That ticket'll go to some nasty little beast who doesn't deserve it!"
  • "Augustus Gloop! Augustus Gloop!The great big greedy nincompoop!"
  • "So I have to have a child. I want a good sensible loving child, one to whom I can tell all my most precious candy-making secrets - while I'm still alive."
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