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Korean War

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Korean War
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Текст Раскадровки

  • After WW2 in 1945, Japan was defeated and gave up Korea. Korea was then controlled by the U.S. in the south, and the Soviets in the north divided by the 38th parallel.
  • North Korea and Kim Il Sung, their leader, wanted to reunite Korea to be fully Communist.
  • North Korea caused the start of the Korean War when they invaded South Korea with over 75,000 troops in June of 1950.
  • South Korea and Syngman Rhee, their leader, didn't want that.
  • Pusan
  • The United States and UN entered the war to help soon after because they didn't want communism to spread to any other countries.
  • Early In the war North Korea took over most of South Korea's area and left them with only the area around Pusan.
  • The Inchon Operation was a sneak attack by the UN that sent many troops into Inchon, North Korea and split the sodiers of North Korea in half and making them retreat
  • The Inchon Operation led by General MacArthur was a major turning point in the war that happened on September 15, 1950
  • Fighting continued for almost 3 years with no real gain for either side, so they agreed to stop fighting and ended the war on July 27, 1953.
  • Some of North Korea was forced beyond the border and into China. This caused China to enter the war for North Korea mainly because of safety concerns. This made the war even again, and brought the border back to the 38th parallel where it began.
  • The war could have caused more international conflict because they never actually signed a peace treaty after ending the war, they only agreed to stop fighting. Also, after the war, the USSR and China debated over who should pay for the damages in North Korea and the soldiers China sent in. China believed that the USSR was an unreliable and demanding ally because they didn't agree to help pay, so China tried to be more independent from them in future years.
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