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founding of georgia comic strip

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founding of georgia comic strip
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comic strip of founding of georgia. mrs irick

Текст Раскадровки

  • No Hard Liquor,or rum for it may make them lazyNo Catholic's, lawyers, or liquor dealers. Must be required to defend south carolina
  • The Reason for the Charter of 1732 at English Parliament.(King George III, James Oglethorpe
  • serve as a military buffer for south Carolina from Fl.We could export back to England goods like silk
  • Is it really going to take 88 days to get there?
  • The Voyage of Anne(James Oglethorpe and the original colonist)
  • I'm Ready to fight. Defending Is What I Do
  • I hope I can pay this debt off quickly. 
  • Establishing Savannah at Yamacraw Bluff.(James Oglethorpe, Mary Musgrove, Tomochichi and colonist
  • I cant believe they don't allow lawyers here, or alcohol. where are the servants. who's in charge!!
  • i hope there isn't another outbreak of yellow fever. i'm tired!
  • The role of diverse groups in the settlement of GeorgiaJews, Salzburgers, Highland Scots, Malcontents
  • I miss Austria. But I am One of the best warriors in the world
  • Thank you for coming. Are you seeking religious freedom as we are?
  • Georgia as a Royal Colony(Royal Governors, colonist, slaves, land ownership, alcohol, lawyers)
  • Silk and Tailoring
  • Blacksmithing
  • Rice
  • Indigo and Tobacco
  • Colonist
  • Farming
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