(Description) Male, young, poor, exceptionally handsome, taller than average, slim, well-built, dark eyes, and dark brown hair. (Personality) Reserved, introverted, schizotypal (acts of strange or unusual behaviors and mannerisms). He is also aggressive and demanding, showing off his narcissistic side. (Role) He is the protagonist of the story. He is an impoverished student who tries to make ends meet by doing wrongful acts. (Highlights) He killed his landlady (Alyona Ivanovna) with an axe, in order to steal the goods that are stored inside her treasure box. He did this to benefit himself and others form financial problems.
Rodion Raskolnikov
Alyona Ivanovna
(Description) Antagonist, old, wealthy, short, and sharp-featured. (Personality) Greedy, unfeeling, and selfish. (Role) A pawnbroker that is disliked by others because she financially abuses those who are mainly poor. She does it by demanding her own interests and cheating them out of their money, hence giving an insight on the motive of her murder. (Highlights) She was presented with a fake cigarette box, which was wrapped with a tight knot. While having a hard time untying it, she was spontaneously axed on the back by Raskolnikov.
Lizaveta Ivanovna
(Description) Side character, 35 y.o, over 6 ft tall, and unmarried. Extremely shy, submissive, slow, and timid. (Role) She is the half-sister of Alyana Ivanova,