Opret et visuelt resume af en egyptisk myte for at hjælpe med at bringe historien til live! Denne myte er Osiris død.
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Osiris narres af sin jaloux bror Set til at komme ind i en kiste, der er specielt lavet til ham. Når Osiris kommer ind, lukker Set det og kaster det ned i Nilen. Set havde håbet på at blive den nye hersker over hele Egypten.
Set is so jealous of Osiris that he is willing to do anything to kill him and become the new ruler.
Isis and Nephthys secretly plot to find Osiris, and when Isis does, he is dead. Isis brings back his body and hides it while she thinks of a way to resurrect him from the dead.
Set finder liget, adskiller det og spreder legemsdelene over hele Egypten.
With help, Isis finds all of Osiris’ body parts except one. Since Osiris was incomplete, he wasn’t able to be resurrected, but became the ruler of Duat, the realm of the dead.
Before Osiris goes to reside in Duat, Isis becomes pregnant with their son, Horus, who would one day avenge his father’s death.
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