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Epic of Gilgamesh Art Project

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Epic of Gilgamesh Art Project
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Текст Раскадровки

  • I am Enkidu. I come to help protect you as you embark on your journey.
  • Enkidu and Gilgamesh acquaint.
  • It is I, the Great Gilgamesh.
  • Gilgamesh do not fear. The nightmares are merely your conscious telling you that you will defeat Humbaba and will have him laying dead on the mountain.
  • Enkidu and Gilgamesh embark on their journey to the forest in order to defeat Humbaba.
  • Enkidu, I have fear as I continue this journey. I fear Humbaba and my nightmares.
  • Enkidu and Gilgamesh confront Humbaba at his weakest point.
  • I shall act like a servant for you is you spare my life.
  • Gilgamesh don't fall for his tricks. He will find a way out. Sparing his life will be a mistake. Kill him and get rid of the beast!
  • Gilgamesh decides to cut down trees while Enkidu decides to build the gate. They act out rashly.
  • The goddess of love and war is terribly upset due to Gilgamesh rejecting her and then Enkidu killing the bull of heaven.
  • Enkidu dies. Gilgamesh mourns and then ends up finishing his journey to seeking out how to escape his own death.
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