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My life of harassment

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My life of harassment
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Текст Раскадровки

  • Hello! My name is Jean and i'm 10 years old. Today I will go back to college. 
  • STOP LIYNG !!! Tell us your age or we'll calll he police
  • Young man what are you doing all alone where is your mama ?Do you know how daangeroous it is tobe alone ?
  • But miss I'm 10 i go to school I'm not lost
  • Look at my identity card, i'm 10 years old
  • It's a ant !!
  • Oh a chipmunks!!!!
  • well little baby, tihs ain't the manger 
  • Look he's not event touching the ground !Go eat some soup
  • Why are they mean ?I'm like them , he just doesn't care about my height
  • everyone is mean they laught at me for my height
  • But why are you crying ?
  • calm down and tell me your name ?
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