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Characters in Animal Farm

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Characters in Animal Farm
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Текст Раскадровки

  • What type of role does the character play in the story?
  •  How do they serve the story or other characters?
  • Does the character change throughout the story?
  • Napoleon, the antagonist, is a boar that lives on Animal farm. He lives with several other animals including Boxer and Benjamin. Throughout the story he has become a major part of the farm and is even the president of the republic.
  • What type of role does the character play in the story?
  • Napoleon has become a big part of the farm. He has completely taken over and is now the leader on the farm. He gets escorted around the farm by his guard dogs and is rarely seen in public. All animals obey his commands and some even live by the saying “Napoleon is always right.”
  • How do they serve the story or other characters?
  • Napoleon does change throughout the story. He goes from being just like every other animal on the farm to being the leader on the farm. He is also not following the rules anymore. He has become almost like a human who sleeps in a bed, wears clothes, and stands on two legs.
  • Does the character change throughout the story? 
  • I will work harder!!
  • Boxer , the protagonist, is a horse on animal farm and is also a really hard worker. He is even said to be one of the hardest workers on the farm along with the other horse named Clover.
  • Boxer is the hardest worker on the farm. He also lives by the motto “I will work harder.” It is said that he wakes up earlier than all the animals and then stays up later at night to get even more work done.
  • Boxer only changes a little throughout the story Animal Farm. Early on in the story he is just like your usual horse but as the story goes ion he begins to work harder and lives by the motto “I will work harder.”
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