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The Prince and the Pauper Paraphrase Storyboard

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“Oh, prithee say no more; ‘tis glorious? If that I could but clothe me in raiment like to thine, and strip my feet, and revel in the mud once, just once, with none to rebuke me or forbid, meseemeth I could forgo the crown!”


Oh, please, stop! What you're saying sounds amazing! If, just once, I could wear your clothes and play in the mud without being scolded, I would give up the crown!

The Prince and the Pauper Paraphrase Storyboard
Storyboard That

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Описание Раскадровки

The Prince and the Pauper mark twain Paraphrase

Текст Раскадровки

  • “Oh, prithee say no more; ‘tis glorious? If that I could but clothe me in raiment like to thine, and strip my feet, and revel in the mud once, just once, with none to rebuke me or forbid, meseemeth I could forgo the crown!”
  • Paraphrase: Oh, please, stop! What you're saying sounds amazing! If, just once, I could wear your clothes and play in the mud without being scolded, I would give up the crown!
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