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the patient gets staphylococcus

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the patient gets staphylococcus
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  • last week i was in the park playing with my friends.
  •  hi my name is Hamdan eldin agudelo and i am your medical consultant and to start i need to ask you some questions. were have you been these past last week?.
  •  it makes perfect sense i understand how i got it know, but is there any cure for it and how do you identify if someone has staphylococcus?
  •  yes i can explain why and its because staphylococcus transfers from direct contact with other people like playing with your friends in the park or Trough sharing personal items like clothes or a razor and since you were playing with your friends last week you might have got staphylococcus from direct contact with your friends 
  • nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea
  • before i can explain a cure for staphylococcus i need to ask you what kind of symptoms do you have?
  • ok i suggest you don't go and interact with other people just stay home, because you can transfer staphylococcus to other people
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