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Number the Stars - Theme

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Create your own at Storyboard ThatImageAttributions:PeriodicTableofFontElements1.1(https://www.flickr.com/photos/fontshop/4134128747/)-FontShop-License:Attribution(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/)Whenrunningdownthestreet,thegirlsarestoppedbyaNaziOfficer.PetervisitsthescientisttohelptheRebellion.TheDanishJewshadtobeverybravetohideintheboat,notknowingifthedogswouldbeabletosniffthemout,allowingfortheircapture.WhenGermansoldiersstopEllen,shehasnoideathatthehandkerchiefhasaspecialsolutiononitthatkeepsthedogsfromsmelling.ItiselementalintheescapeplansthatUncleHenrikhas.BraveryItwillattracttheNazi'sdogs,butrenderthemunabletosmellanything!Stopcrying,youidiotgirl.Yourstupidmotherhassentyouruncleahandkerchief.InGermany,thewomenhavebetterthingstodo.Weneedtofiteveryoneintothesecretcompartment!Quickly!
Number the Stars - Theme
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Описание Раскадровки

Number the Stars Theme of Bravery

Текст Раскадровки

  • It will attract the Nazi's dogs, but render them unable to smell anything!
  • When running down the street, the girls are stopped by a Nazi Officer.
  • Bravery
  • Peter visits the scientist to help the Rebellion.
  • Stop crying, you idiot girl. Your stupid mother has sent your uncle a handkerchief. In Germany, the women have better things to do.
  • We need to fit everyone into the secret compartment! Quickly!
  • When German soldiers stop Ellen, she has no idea that the handkerchief has a special solution on it that keeps the dogs from smelling. It is elemental in the escape plans that Uncle Henrik has.
  • The Danish Jews had to be very brave to hide in the boat, not knowing if the dogs would be able to sniff them out, allowing for their capture.

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