(While reading the message), "Bob is so mean! I cant believe he would say that!"
(Texting Bob)"You are a stupid person and you will never do anything in life!"
Bob sees the messages and is shocked to see them, he does not know what to do!
Горка: 2
Bob calls his best friend, Fred, for advice and emotional support.
"Fred!!! I cant believe that Jack would say all those means to mean!! I will send you a screenshot!!"
"Fred!!! I cant believe that Jack would say all those means to mean!! I will send you a screenshot!!"
(Screenshot of the message)""You are a stupid person and you will never do anything in life!" "
"Wow I cant believe he would say that, I am so sorry. We should call him so he apologizes.
Горка: 3
Jack suddenly recieves the video call from Bob and Fred and starts getting anxious... where he sees Bob crying.
"No, I'm not okay Jack. Your words really hurt me and I think that it is correct that you apologize."
(Answering the video call.) "Bob, are you okay? Why are you crying??"
"Okay, I understand. I am really sorry, and I now understand the effects of hate speech."
Finally, Jack and Bob finally become friends again, and even become best friends with Fred. Jack now understands that hate speech can really affect people, and that he will never do it again.