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  • Boston Massacre -March 5th 1770
  • Boston Tea Party-Dec 16th 1773
  • Sugar Act-April 5th 1764
  • The Boston Massacre was a deadly riot . It started with a confrontation in Boston on March 5, 1770 . The Boston Massacre occured when the british troops stationed in Boston and came to blow against colonists . A group of 9 British soliders shot 5 in a crowd of three to four hundred who were verbally and throwing various missiles . They were also throwing stones as well as sticks .
  • Intolerable Acts-June 2nd 1774
  • The Boston Tea party was a political protest at Griffins Wharf in Boston Massachusetts . American colonists were mad and upset at the British for no taxation without representation . They dumped 342 chests of tea in the Harbor . The British reacted by imposing more polices on the Massachusetts colony . While the protest there was no violence just fighting for rights using words .
  • 1st Continential Congress- Sept 5th 1774
  • The Sugar Act was also known as the Revenue Act of 1764 . They aimed to end the smuggling trade in sugar and molasses .The act also enforced the collection of higher taxes as well as duties . It was significant because it was marked the first time parliament levied a tax on the american colonies generating revenue . The sugar act also reduced the amount of tax that colonist had to pay on molasses . by half
  • Stamp Act - October 1765
  • The intolerable Act was a series of 4 laws passed by the British Parliament in 1744 . They were trying to punish the colony of Massachusetts . They aimed to punish Massachusetts colonists for their disobedience in the Tea party protest .The Act closed the port of Boston to all ships until the colonist paid for all the tea they dumped in the river.
  • The First Continental Act was a meeting of delegates from 12-13 British colonies . They conducted a discussion about how the colonies could respond to the British . They were considering its reaction to the British government's restraints on trade. The decisions were made to declare that the laws in the 13 acts of the Parliament violated the colonist rights . They also established an army , navy and a post office .
  • The Stamp Act of 1765 was an act of the parliament of great Britain . It imposed a direct tax on the British colonies in America . The act required that many printed materials in the colonies be done on stamped paper .It was meant to help pay for British troops stationed in the colonies. The act required the colonist to pay a tax represented by a stamp on papers , documents and playing cards .
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