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Life and Challenges of Migrants

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Life and Challenges of Migrants
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  • Hey Rahul, yeah indeed. I have been living in the US for the past 8 months. I don't feel good here at all.
  • Hi Rohan, it's been a long time. Where are you? How's life?
  • As you know that I work in an IT company, so I had to go to USA for some work for a month. But since then, I'm stuck here because of the outbreak of this vicious pandemic, COVID-19.
  • 8 months?! Why?
  • Nothing's good. I can't meet my family. I don't have anything to do here so it's really exhausting living in a bubble. Moreover, my company is not giving my salary on time because there's so work so there's a financial crisis too.
  • Oh, that's really sad. How's everything there?
  • No, I don't think so. The pandemic is getting out of hands here. There's a fear of getting infected and spreading the infection. I'm really stressed out. I miss my family so much. I miss the food which I used to eat, I don't like the food here and I'm losing my weight everyday.
  • You don't seem good. Is there ay chance of coming back to India?
  • Thank you so much. It's going to help me a lot. I can't thank you enough.
  • Don't worry everything's going to get better. I can lend you some money if you want me to.
  • Don't thank me. It's my duty to help my friend. Don't stress outa lot, your family's doing fine. I hope everything's gong to get better and you will meet your family soon.
  • I hope so too. Thanks again. I'll catch you up later.
  • Bye!
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