I wake up from a nap from the SMELL of those noodles being cooked from downstairs. The conditioned stimulus is that the smell of the noodles allowed my body to have a conditioned response to gag once again.
The Unconditioned Stimuluswould be considered the food,and the reaction to the consistencyof the food is too much for Ethan'sliking.
A few days later, after even eatingmore noodles that make me sick tomy stomach, an extinction took place because my reactions of gagging/getting sick all went away! For now...
A couple days later, it's my birthday! But eating the birthday cake felt very familiar. The noodles I had a couple days ago... My Unconditioned Response to having this cake was to gag, because I was disgusted by the texture once again.
Today for dinner, I had more noodles,but thankfully it was a different type, I didn't have a reaction this time, so this is considered a neutral stimulus, because there is no reaction that was formed,
A few months later on a day when I got home from school, I couldalready tell I went through a Spontaneous Recovery, because of what I smelt coming from the kitchen....The end!