Set in 1942 during World War II, the story of Silvey Chan, an aspiring author, who lives at 45 Grays Avenue, Auckland, New Zealand, with her mum and dad, her grandpa Ah Yeh, two brothers (Dai Gor and Day Day), and two sisters (Soong and Chuen). As the eldest daughter, Silvey is 5'2" and her Chinese name, Ngun Bo, means "silver treasure." Her best friend is Judy Brown. With the bombing of Pearl Harbor and America now at war with Japan, the world is changing rapidly. Silvey is an aspiring author
Горка: 2
Oh no, Sylvie’s school is closing down! But Ms. Rudkin, their favorite teacher, is moving to Beresford Street School. Judy and Sylvie are a bit nervous but also hopeful because they’ll be joining Ms. Rudkin at the new school. It’s a big change.
Горка: 3
As the war gets closer to New Zealand, things are starting to change for Silvey Chan and her family. With Chinese New Year coming up, Ma has to cut back on the fabric she uses for making New Year dresses because of the war. Everything is being rationed now—there's a limit on things like sugar, tea, and fabric. Each person gets only a certain amount, and it makes everyday life a bit more challenging. Even though the war is affecting how they celebrate, Silvey’s family is finding ways to keep their traditions alive and support each other through these tough times.