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Medea – Bianca Ramirez

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Medea – Bianca Ramirez
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Текст Раскадровки

  • Jason finally arrived back at the house.
  • 27. Medea, I've already told you, I tried to convince her already, but she did not oblige.
  • 29. What are these?! These are such precious treasures, how did you get your hands on them?... Nevermind, with these gifts, my new wife will change her mind for sure, and my sons will be saved..
  • 26. Jason, I know I have been unreasonable, please, could you try to convince your new wife to spare our children the exile?
  • 28. Here, Jason, I have an idea, take this coronet and robe and tell the children to present these gifts and plead for forgiveness.
  • Medea then gives her sons the golden trinkets, and watches them as they go away. After a few moments of waiting, her children return.
  • 30. Medea! Medea! Your plan has worked! The princess has agreed to let your boys live here with their father! She received the gifts and liked them so!
  • 32. What? how was any of that news bad news? 
  • 31. Oh, if only you knew how that news pains me so! Please, take the children away from me!
  • 33. Oh how happy you are in your state of not knowing! Please, just leave me!
  • Suddenly, a messenger appeared, shouting for Medea.
  • 34. Medea! Medea! You must flee! The people are accusing you of murder!
  • 38. Please no! I don't want to recall it any longer!-
  • 36. What?! Fine? As you wish. The princess put on her golden gifts, and then... and then! Oh! I can't! The horrors! The horrors!
  • 37. Get on with it, boy! Answer the question!
  • 39. Come on, you can do it! Ju
  • 35. Really?! Tell me everything! I want to know all the details! I've worked so hard for this!
  • After all of that, her nanny showed up, and told her the full story.
  • 42. Her father tried to help her, but to no avail. His skin stuck to his daughter's gown, and he burned along with her.
  • 40. The young bride received the gifts and was prancing around in front of a mirror, when suddenly, her coronet and gown caught fire!
  • 41. Her coronet glowed like a fiery comet streaking through the heavens, and her gown burned through and stuck to her pale skin
  • 44. Where are my sons Medea! People will come for them, I do not want them to be harmed
  • After everything was explained to her, she gained a stony look in her eyes... and brought her children inside the house. Jason came running a few moments later.
  • 45. Medea! Have you already left this world of your own volition? At least then you would have an honorable way out!
  • 43. Medea! you murderer! Come out and face your justice!
  • Medea finally emerged from the house.
  • 46. Medea! Where are my children! Show them to me!
  • 48. No! What have you done Medea!? Why!? Then...Please, please let me touch my boys, let me bury them.
  • 47. Jason! I'm afraid I have to tell you. Your sons are already dead! You can see their corpses here through the doorway
  • 49. What?! Of course not! I will be bringing them with me and I will bury them in a place they deserve to be in.
  • 50. You take them? Their murderer?! By the gods I swear that you will be struck down because of your crimes! You have committed a great sin!
  • FIN
  • 51. By what gods do you swear?! I know of no god that would help an oath breaker! The gods have already favored me, for I will take my leave in my grandfathers flying chariot, and you will die alone, crushed under your greatest achievement!
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