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Текст Раскадровки

  • military is back hoes
  • Germany rebuilds it's military and extends the number of soldiers and military equipment
  • why'd we get the blame. let's fight back
  • slay
  • they can't restrict us anymore ugh
  • what the balls
  • we failed to stop attack! we're so silly
  • now we aren't taken seriously!!
  • let's make League of Nations lol
  • I'm not joining you hoes!now you lack power and leadership
  • the government is unstable now! global depression am I right ugh
  • oh em gee the market crashed!!!!
  • now I can rise to power
  • I am going to rebuild Germany and invade
  • I am the leader now
  • I'm invading your land.L
  • okay take it! we are appeasing you
  • lets not go to war together bro! and invade Poland
  • we signed the nazi soviet pact!
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