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Ceaser act 1

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Ceaser act 1
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Текст Раскадровки

  • Marullus: You are all hypocrites! May your souls rot!
  • Commoner: Well sir, your sole seems to need repair. I can mend it.
  • Marullus: We have to tear down all the decorations on the statues of Caesar!
  • Guess these guys are real party animals.
  • That's one way to spend a Friday night.
  • Antony: Um... okay? Whatever Caesar commands, I do I guess.
  • Caesar: My wife can't have kids so... touch her when you go by
  • Wow... He's really out here sharing all my business.
  • Antony: Kinda strange that he talks about himself in third person...
  • Caesar: What! Who dare talk to Caesar like that?
  • Soothsayer: Beware the Ides of March!
  • Soothsayer: Beware the Ides of March!
  • Can you guys chill? It's not that dramatic.
  • Meanwhile...
  • Caesar: Help me Cassius, or I sink!
  • Cassius: So you see how weak Caesar is! I think you would be a better leader.
  • Brutus: Hmmm... Caesar is my dearest friend... but Cassius speaks truth...
  • Smells like treason... best be on my way.
  • Brutus: I live for honor, and if honor is held by removing Caesar... Well... I must think upon it.
  • Cassius: Noble Brutus, do this for the good of Rome!
  • Whoa! These guys are gonna murder their friend!!
  • Caesar: I want to be surrounded by fat men! Cassius is too hungry, too greedy and ambitious.
  • Time Traveling Alien: Hehe... the irony
  • Antony: I think he's an okay guy! You're too suspicious Caesar.
  • Casca: Sure it seemed noble, but the people did not see how sour he was to part with it.
  • Cassius: What happened Casca?
  • Cassius:Alright Casca. Come dine with me sometime.
  • Casca: Caesar was offered a crown 3 times, and he refused it each time.
  • I saw him ask the people to slit his throat before succumbing to a fit!
  • Cassius: Brutus is close with Caesar, but I can get him on my side. I just have to falsify some uplifting letters from the people. That will convince him.
  • Lies and scams. A great way to secure an empire.
  • Cicero: What's up Casca, Caesar's going to be in the capitol tomorrow.
  • Casca: I've just seen the storm of the gods, Cicero!
  • Casca: A slave's hand was lit on fire by a torch, but did not burn.
  • We're not in Africa anymore Toto
  • Casca: A cocky lion walked by, and did not attack.
  • Casca: Women screamed of a vision of men walking by in flames, but not burning.
  • Is anyone else kind of toasty?
  • Casca: And finally, a night time owl in the market in broad daylight!
  • Wow... wild party last night. Why's it so bright out?
  • Cassius: The heavens are tearing apart the sky to signal their anger at the state of affairs in Rome, where someone has grown too powerful for the Gods themselves.
  • Cassius:You fool! I've walked in the lightning, opening my chest to be struck!
  • Casca: Did you not tremble at the gods' wrath?
  • Hey!
  • Cassius: The Romans have become cowardly and womanish, letting Caesar walk all over them.
  • Cassius: Then I will wear my dagger and I will use it! Caesar would not be king if not for the Romans acting like sheep.
  • I've heard that tomorrow the senators are to crown Caesar as king.
  • Pompey's Ghost: Yes! avenge me!
  • Cassius: Then meet me at Pompey's theatre tonight.
  • Cassius: But I guess you're just a sheep yourself Casca.
  • Casca: No! I am with you! I will join your cause.
  • Casca: Okay.
  • Cassius: He will be. I enlist your help in placing false letters from the people in places where he'll see. That will convince him.
  • Casca: That is good, Brutus is well regarded and will make people think of the cause as virtuous and worthy.
  • Cinna: I wish Brutus was willing to kill his best bud.
  • The Illustrator: And they all lived happily ever after!
  • Ghost of Caesar: Really? Is that really what you think?
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