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The Lion and The Mouse

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The Lion and The Mouse
Storyboard That

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Текст Раскадровки

  • ‘No, no, please don’t! Be kind to me and one day I’ll help you.
  • I’m going to eat you!
  • I’m a lion! You’re a mouse! What can you do?
  • A lion was asleep in the sun one day.A little mouse came out to play. The little mouse ran up the lion’s neck and slid down his back.
  • The lion caught him with a great big smack! and roared!! The little mouse cried!
  • The lion laughed, very hard, and the mouse ran away.
  • Oh little mouse, I had no hope. You were right, little mouse – thank you, I’m free. You’re the best friend there ever could be!
  • But the mouse was out walking the very next day. He heard a big roar,and squeaked when he saw the king of the jungle tied to a tree. But the mouse had a plan to set him free.
  • The mouse worked quickly and chewed through the rope.
  • The lion said thanking the mouse:
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