Text Connections Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa by Erica Silverman
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This story introduces the duo of Cocoa and Cowgirl Kate and their adventures. One adventure is when Kate has a surprise for Cocoa.
This reminds me of another Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa book, "Horse in the House". Kate wakes up to Cocoa in the house and has to get him out before her parents come home.
"She curried him. She brushed him. Then she cleaned his hooves."
First I must groom you.
Hazel, time for breakfast!
Cowgirl Kate is very responsible and takes very good care of Cocoa.
This reminds me of how I am responsible for taking care of my cat, Hazel.
In the story, Cocoa says he is a 'cowhorse'. What he means is, he is a horse meant for herding cattle.
On the news, they talked about a dog that herds sheep.
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