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Draft and Revise

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Girl wants to rob this house

Someone is coming. She hides.

Two men talk about killing the king.

Girl wants to rob this house

Someone is coming. She hides.

Two men talk about killing the king.

This is the richest house in the area. Perfect for a little burglary.

Uh oh... I need to get out of sight.

Did you see the look on their stupid faces?

After we kill the king, I will finally be able to...

Draft and Revise
Storyboard That

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Описание Раскадровки

Draft and revise your work

Текст Раскадровки

  • Girl wants to rob this house
  • Someone is coming. She hides.
  • Two men talk about killing the king.
  • Girl wants to rob this house
  • This is the richest house in the area. Perfect for a little burglary.
  • Someone is coming. She hides.
  • Uh oh... I need to get out of sight.
  • Two men talk about killing the king.
  • Did you see the look on their stupid faces?
  • After we kill the king, I will finally be able to...
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