yes layla so kids the java forest has a lot of history that makes it unique.
we are in indonesia and we are going to learn the features fauna flora of the java forest
the java forest is famous on sunda islands in is known as rice producing islands .
the dutch were the colonial power in indonesia they like briitish desired java timber.
yes that is right! the forest contol was similar to india and indonesia
there were was one challenge called samin challenge that we will get to know about later .in this forest there was war and deforestation there was also woodcutters of java we will get to know about first
it was difficult to harvest teak when the dutch took possession of the woodland in the 18th centuary
kalangs of java :they were a skillful society of forest and shifting cultivators .the 6000 kalang families were divided equally between the two kingdoms then the mataram kingdom split in 1775
suprisingly the revolt was put down
attempted to force the kalangs to labour for them the kalangs resisted in 1770 by storming a dutch fort at joana
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