As Odysseus and his men sail the sea they happen upon an island belonging to the country of the Reckless Cyclopes
I will take my twelve favorite of you and some wine, and we will go see if they will welcome us with gifts or if they are godless barbarians.
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No we must wait for them to get back so we may ask them for gifts.
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You think I will respect your traditions when you just broke in and stole from me, NO.
Hello we came form Troy and we ask if you have some food for us.
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Listen men were gonna take that log make a spear and stab his eye out. Then were gonna ride out on his sheep's bellies.
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A Little While Later...
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Hi my name is Noman. Here now have some wine with your entré of Greek soldiers.
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Hey, you Cyclops! Idiot!The crew you had kept was no weaklings it was mine and you deserve this for how you treated us!
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‘Cyclops! If anybody asks you how your eye was stabbed tell them that Odysseus, the city-sacker, Laertes’ son, who lives in Ithaca, bested you!
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Listen, Poseidon, dad please kill Odysseus of if it is not fated make sure it takes a long time, his whole crew dies, and he returns home with no honor and faces more trouble there.
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I think we should take this cheese and these sheep back to the ship before the cyclops gets back cause I'd bet he'll be mad.
I always thoughtSomebody tall and handsome, strong and bravewould be the one to do this to me. But this little weakling, this little nobody, has blinded me
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