They never said you can't catch someone off guard and attack them :).
Marathon Battle
That's not fair we weren't ready!
King Xerxes of Persia wants revenge
Getting ready for the Battle of Thermopylae
We need our 7,000 best soldiers to fight for the battle of thermopylae.
King Darius of Persia sends his military to attack the Greeks in the Battle of Marathon but the Greeks never show up. The Persians are packing up all of there things and then when they least expect it the Greeks show up and attack them then they win the first battle.
Battle of Thermopylae
Fine 1-1 we got you next time.
King Xerxes of Persia is upset and wants revenge . He invaded Greece with 200,000 troops. Then the Greek- city states come together to defeat the Persians.
Battle of Salamis
It's so hard to move through this strait we need smaller boats!
The greeks have easy access.
The Spartans were planning to defeat the Spartans by cutting off their army supply.
The Battle of Plataea
Yeah you too.
Good fight
The persans only keep 300 men with him to fight until the end and sadly the Persians defeat the Greeks in the Battle of Thermopylae.
We beat you now greeks!
The athenian's brought the persians to the strait of salamis. A strait is narrow and the persians had big ships hard to move the the strait while the greeks had easy access and could slipp right through the. In the end they one the Battle of Salamis.
The greek city states come together even stronger and formed the largest army yet. They fight the persians one last time in the Battle of Plataea. With over 100.000 soldiers the greeks won the battle. Persia was no longer in control of any Greek city states. Persia and Greece had peace between each other and the persian empire sgortened after that.